Dear Sister

Dear Sister
(4 January 2007) © 2007 by Kristi Martel

Dear Sister,
I hope he's the right one.
I hope all my protective big sister fear is unjustified.

I hope I am wrong this time. I hope I am wrong this time.

Dear Sister,
Sometimes I don't know if I believe it's right:
this thing we call marriage, this promising your life to another, this changing your name,

because we all change with time. We all grow through life.

And my mother and our father grew apart
long before you were even born.
When I held you at three days old --
it's funny, even then at ten, I always knew you'd marry before me.

Dear Little Sister...

Dear Sister,
I just hope you two grow closer with time:
that this promise is one you want to keep and can and will, that each other's name becomes your own.

Yes, I hope I am wrong this time. I hope I am wrong this time.

Dear Sister,
Sometimes I don't know if I believe it's right:
this thing we call marriage, this promising your life to another, this changing your name,

because we all change with time.
We all grow through life, through living.

But I know it's right to love.
Yes, I know love.
I know it's right to love with all your heart
even though there will be pain and loss and broken promises to help you grow.

Dear Little Sister...

Ryan Pina

Small business owner. Big dreamer.

Even Free

